Friday 1 April 2011

A Model Diary

Another flight.

The quote I've chosen for this week's blog is from Richard Burton, the two-time husband and true love of the recently deceased icon, Elizabeth Taylor.

"There is an emptiness in my life that only Elizabeth can make less empty. A love affair like ours is never ended - only temporarily abandoned."
Richard Burton

Firstly a quick apology for not blogging as regularly, busy is not the word to describe the last couple of weeks and I write this from a hotel room in Madrid at 2am, which goes a small way to explain the awful writing! Anyway, more of my excuses later.

Despite my work schedule and injuries and advice from doctor not to do the marathon, I found time on Tuesday to run 19 miles. I'm not going to lie, it hurt. Actually, a bout of measles seems more appealing right now than the thought of 26 miles in three weeks time for the London Marathon. However, it is for charity and I will try my best with the rest of the Oxglam Group.

Lately, I have been told that I am "outspoken" in interviews and sometime come across as down on the job. This has surprised me! Outspoken is defined as 'spoken without reserve; candid, frank and unreserved in speech'. And, as a career, I adore what I do and hugely respect the industry I am in and the life and opportunities it has given and continues to give me. What I try to do in interviews is to give people a fair insight into male modelling and the fashion world as it's a world that many are hugely interested in, but have limited access to. This job is just like any other in that you have good days and some bad days and you get on better with some people than with others but I feel very happy to be doing what I'm doing.

For those of you who are interested, this week I've decided to take you briefly through my schedule for the recent 14 days of my life. Hopefully this gives a good representation of a model's lifestyle!

Meeting with a large charity organisation.
Chiropractor session to try to fix knee problem for marathon.
A long gym training session - I've been rather slack with amount of work and travelling lately.

Travel to Paris to shoot El Palacio de Hierro’s campaign.
Fitting, run through of campaign, meeting with the clients.

All day shoot for Palacio.
Quick gym session between end of shooting and dinner with clients.

Travel back from Paris, immediately into meeting with Select - my model agency.
On to boxing training session for future boxing short film.

Early morning meeting.
19-mile run to test knees and general fitness for marathon - three hours later I'm exhausted but kind of upbeat as legs and knee have held out.

Meeting with Select and Producer.
Write GQ.COM review for latest story.

Early morning gym session.
Travel to Madrid and fitting for Palacio de Hierro commercial shooting.

All day shooting from 9am-12pm.
Write this blog and catch up with emails (raid the mini bar, my my M&Ms are addictive).

All day shooting for Pacio commercial.

Travel back from Madrid.
Immediately when home, continue training for marathon - run 15 miles.

Early morning boxing session.
Meeting with accountant.
Initial meeting to start development of new App.

Fly 11 hours to San Francisco.

Shoot all day for GQ.

Shoot all day for GQ.

Fly home from San Francisco to London.

Pick up and test car for next GQ.COM review.

Mothering Sunday. Only one place to be - with Mother Gandy in the countryside, will sneak in a training run though.

Options to fly to NYC or Shanghai for work.

Opinions will be split among many about this kind of lifestyle. Someone's idea of a nightmare can be another's idea of a dream. There are three weekends in there where I get to spend time with my friends and family - the two consecutive weekends before this that I flew to NYC to work for just one day. I hope people enjoy the insight. The fact is, this is my career and I adore it and wouldn't give it up for all the tea in china or for all the three pieces in Savile Row!


  1. PerĂ²! E' sempre in movimento il nostro David.

  2. you left out the IN n' Out burger you had in california! lucky!!

  3. Talos Cristian3 April 2011 at 23:59

    Big fan of you and your work. If u don't mind please i have a short and simple question. Do you use any suplements so you don't loose muscle mass while running so many miles for the marathon or when u do cardio? Thank you i wish u the best!

  4. Hello this is a fan blog, I'm not in touch with David, I'm sorry I advise you to try on his personal blog.

  5. A little bird told me that you´re having a hard time with your researches. So I´m trying to help you. :p Is this new to you, or you already published it?

    If you did, I´m sorry. :)


  6. Thank you I had already read. :)
